"I hope you're right, Lois." There was something incredibly deep and profoundly sad in Superman's expression, and he turned his face away from me as if realizing I wasn't ready to see the truths written there.
Interesting... this makes me wonder what the clone's story is -- maybe he feels a deeper connection to Clark after all? Maybe that's why he released them from the cell...

"It's better if Clark doesn't see us."
I'll just bet... unclear as to what this Superman's motives are. He obviously knows he's an impostor, yet feels the attraction to Lois and must have some good in him intrinsically because his is part of Clark.

I liked this little bit of phrasing:
Trying to convince my heart that it wouldn't do any good to escape my chest
Ooh! I love all of the metaphors dancing around in Lois' dream! Excellent! hyper

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink