How was everyone's holidays? Mine have been lovely thus far! I've spent oodles of time with my extended family and haven't had the urge to do violence to any of them. I've baked up a storm, gone to see two movies and have eaten more calories in four days than I should consume in a month. And then I check the boards and find all this lovely FDK. Life is good. Life is very, very good. laugh

Lynn and Laura - It probably gives very little away to tell you that you're absolutely right since you don't know how the A-plot ends or what the proportion of WAFF to B-plot is. wink

Artemis - All Clark needed was a clue. And a shave. laugh But then, the shave kinda depends on who's looking at him. It appears I'm not alone in my admiration for a disheveled Superman. clap

Iolanthe - Yay! "Creepy" is exactly what I was going for. smile

Steph - I laughed at the thought of Sadler (creepy guy) having an Australian accent. I think Dundee's knife is bigger. <heh> I'll try to work in a butt grope for you. wink

Mozartmaid - I hope you made your flight! Thank you for highlighting one of my favorite moments - when Lois smirks at Clark because he's stuck in Perry's office. smile I'm hoping to have part 9 up on Tuesday and part 10 on Friday. <fingers crossed>

DW - Thanks! smile

Jackie - Awww. blush Thank you for the compliments. And for picking out one of my other favorite lines to highlight.

Joan - I think she doesn't see Superman in Clark and vice versa because it would be so life-changing to her. It's easier for her mind to process that something's wrong with her hero than to follow it to its logical conclusion. I hate to disappoint you (although it does sound like not everyone is going to be upset about this), but there is no shave in store for Clark before the end of the story. laugh

Vicki - Thank you! blush

Michael - Sarcasm is one of Lois' best defense mechanisms. I suppose she could get her shoes back after they're no longer evidence. evil

Thanks to everyone who's posted comments! I couldn't (and wouldn't!) do this without you guys. sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis