Squee part 8 is here!! hyper I'm loving that the mystery is finally unraveling and I love Lois' reaction after the press conference. She thought it was weird that she told SM she and Clark were dating, ha! laugh

And who is this creepy guy with the knife? So Twitchell and this Sadler guy were in on it together - the kidnapping that is - and then Sadler betrayed Twitchell and knoifed him (said with crocodile dundee accent) and decided he wanted to play with Lois a little more so he stuck her in a box car thinking he'd go back later and have his way with her and then knoife her too, right? Am I right? I've totally just revealed the rest of the story haven't I? laugh

Ooo and then Clark and Lois declare their undying love (after Lois gives Clark a reaming) and then they makeout for hours and hours. You have to throw in a good butt squeeze Sue, just for old times sake. Hee hee wink

Can't wait for part 9!!

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw