I love these little signs of Clark's inability to uphold his flawless, godlike Superman persona:

He grudgingly admitted to himself that the lack of sleep was making him sloppy but it was impossible to consider resting when he had no idea where Lois was.
Poor tired sloppy Superman.

Clark caught a glimpse of his reflection in her bedroom window and realized that he couldn't continue to appear in public as Superman unless he shaved first.
Yep, he really should shave - but will he?

Jimmy hesitated and looked up at him in concern. "How's Clark doing? Do you know?"

"He's out looking," Clark answered. He saw the flicker of worry in the younger man's expression and realized then that he still hadn't shaved.
Nope! No shaving! There is also the fact that Clark can't talk to his parents right now because that would only increase his crushing sense of guilt. And he can't sleep, and he can only look for Lois, and... Poor guy!

Oh, but he did find that guy in the Red Sox cap! What a totally creepy guy that was!
