“What?” Lois asked. “You think I should send my story to the Daily Planet?”

“No. I think you should go see Perry White - take your story to him personally, make him understand how important it is to warn women of a potential danger out there. Sell the importance of this story to him.”
Oh, this makes me happy. Very, very happy. Clark really is her guardian angel, even if it's not how she thought it was when she was nine.

(And not only would it help launch Lois's career, but make a laughingstock out of Paul!)

He didn’t know what Ralph had said to the young woman, but knowing Ralph, he could imagine. He watched in fascination as the frightened rabbit disappeared. A moment later Ralph was practically limping away from the encounter. A smile spread across Perry’s face.
Mad Dog Lane is in the house! thumbsup

“I’m sorry, Mr. White,” she said, rising to her feet. “I think this story should get out there - preferably before the weekend. Women need to know about this. But I don’t have the right to promise you my follow up story. I still work for the Ink and Quill.”
Lois, the man just offered you a stringer position at the Daily Planet! Quit the damn Ink & Quill!

OK, OK, she's showing a lot of professional integrity, something that neither Paul nor Linda will ever understand. But still!

“I didn’t become editor of the world’s greatest paper because I can yodel,” he responded, before walking back to his office with a, “lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo”
LOL, I wrote my feedback above before I got to this part. Even better!

She watched in complete confusion when he began backing away and then... a gust of wind and he was gone.
ACK! That kiss! That kiss was wonderful! And then ... oh, Clark, you poor, sweet, guilt-stricken, adorable lunkhead. I'm so, so, SO glad I get to go right to the next chapter!
