Another terrific part.

I could have used some saving. That woman is a barracuda.
What a perfect approach to Clark to take to calm Lois' qualms!

“No. I was thinking more of the Daily Planet.”
So the question is -- Is he upsetting the timeline still further, or is this more-or-less how she got her job in the original timeline? (Presumably not with this particular story, but perhaps with a different story she was working on about this time.) If, as I suspect, it's the former, then Clark will probably start feeling a lot more pains quite soon. frown

she stopped Ralph, the copy boy.
Ralph? Yipes! What an awful first person to meet at the DP.

A moment later Ralph was practically limping away from the encounter.
Then again, the encounter did serve to rid her of her jitters, which has to be a good thing.

Because the Daily Planet stands for truth and justice.
And the American Way? wink

“lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo”
A fun way to make fresh a fantastic but over-used line.

He hadn’t gone in with her since he didn’t want to change the timeline by meeting Perry in 1987 instead of 1993
Um, Clark, isn't is a little late to start worrying about changing the timeline now?!? Haven't you already done a world of damage to it?

So fast, Clark was only able to pick up every other thought.
So he has super speed and super hearing, but not super speed hearing and language processing? wink

How they had ended up kissing, Clark wasn’t certain.
<groan> Clark -- right woman, wrong time!!!

he’d been laughing as he’d held her, revealing in her joyous babble.
I assume you meant "reveling"? Although as Freudian slips go, this is a good one!

I shouldn’t have.
Better late than never, I guess.

and then... a gust of wind and he was gone.
Well, Clark, if Lois hadn't already known much of your secret, she would surely know now!

Looking forward to part 4a (and 4b and 4c and... )
