So I got behind by about 3 parts and finally just caught up. But getting behind wasn't so bad actually cause then I had more to read, yay! dance

Okay, so I'm kind of at a loss on what to speculate now. confused Obviously the future is changed big time (seeing as Clark can't even travel anymore). And Wells was hanging out for some reason but why if he didn't talk to either Lois or Clark?? And since Lois has already put everything (well almost everything) together about Clark, there're really not a lot he can change regarding Lois’ future by hanging out with her, right? Unless of course, she got pregnant somehow... now THAT would change things. eek

So if Clark hadn't gotten involved in this time, Lois would have been carried out of the party by those guys and most likely raped. I’m assuming they left her because they saw Clark…

Okay, I’m gonna keep wondering how Clark has changed the past exactly by his involvement so I guess, when you’re through with this story, you should just write another story going through the regular timeline without Clark’s involvement and even reveal what really happened to Lois in the Congo. grovel

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw