Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted feedback. The end of the school year was a busy one! Now I'm on summer break, though, so expect me to post regularly on this wonderful story.

I love the back story you've given Lois: A lonely American in Oz who finds her way home, not by the yellow brick road, but through her love of footy. Hopefully, your emerald "opals" won't cause problems for our resident superhero and his Aussie gal.

Oh, and feel free to have Dan "distract" Mayson right out of this story. LOL! OK, so you shouldn't really do that, but he could help her see the error of her ways.

I've enjoyed the development of the relationship between Lois and Clark thus far. It was a fairly quick friendship, but it is deepening with each passing day. Lois seems to be giving Clark a nice opening in the preview. Could you please keep Lunkhead Clark locked up somewhere so that his intelligent alter ego can tell Lois what she needs to know??? smile

I'm looking forward to more!

Oh, and some of the references in your Aussie dictionary are well understood by Americans: shaft and my old man for example.

"Women frustrate men because they're too complicated. Men frustrate women because they're not complicated enough."