You're not different. Or alone.
Exactly. After all, he's just a Kryptonian in America. Lois, on the other hand, is an American in Oz. Plus, he's got an instant wife, so x-nay on the being alone, too.

The whole part through, I kept expecting... something. Like Lois showing up or being there when he get's back to his unit.

Bluey laughed. "Not in a million years," he said. "Browny's not stupid enough to let Flinders do a Hawthorn game. Particularly not against his beloved Blues. That would be guaranteed anarchy." He grinned. "It'd be fun to watch, though."
Now, there's a thought. If just for the outtakes/bloopers reel at the end of the story laugh

Lois shook her head. Men were unfathomable.
Maybe she should simply push him on his back, sit on top of him, and stay there until he explains himself laugh

He smiled his boyishly endearing smile - the smile Lois knew he kept as insurance for when he felt he was about to say something that could get him into trouble. "It's just that the whole Claude thing ... Lois, I *never* want to see you get that hurt again."
/growls/ Claude? Who's he? The french star footy player import who broke Lois's heart and then every Hawthorn rule before they fed him to the crocs?

"Yeah," Gazza agreed. "Flinders doesn't even say anything; she just looks at you with that smarmy smile and that haughty expression as if she knew all along that the Hawks would win."

"Not that it'll be a problem for you," Gazza said. "Seeing as you decided to barrack for Hawthorn." His tone held deep regret mixed with a heavy dose of reproach.

Clark decided any response was likely to do him no good, so instead he picked up his glass and drank from his beer.
while trying out his freshly silenced Lois-Lane-patented smarmy smile and haughty expression cool

"Yeah," Bluey added. "Deano had to skulk off to Yankee-land with finals just around the corner 'cause he couldn't hack being around Flinders, since she shafted him."

*She* shafted *him*? Whatever had happened, Clark didn't need speculation to figure out that Scardino had the sympathies of the men.
You know, at first I thought, shafted just meant dumped him. And Clark seems to agree. But from your dictionary at the bottom, it's not *that* clear. Could also mean that he broke her heart/up with her and then she started treating him badly.

But not only was she there, she was also nonchalantly leaning back in her seat with her feet perched on her desk. On her lap was a paperback that looked suspiciously like a trashy novel. And she appeared to be engrossed in it.

Clark stared. It was one thing to be so enamoured with a novel that she would read it surreptitiously at the office. It was quite another to do it so obviously ... it was as if Lois *wanted* people to notice.
Wonder what's the deeper meaning of this. Or maybe, it's because Lois knows Browny ignores her after loosing to the Hawks clap

I didn't even notice the lack of L&C interaction. There's so much depth in this story. And the next part is still so far away mecry


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