I have *very* little time, but just wanted to thank you all for the wonderful FDK.

Whenever I have worries about a part, someone seems to write something that tells me I didn't need to worry.

I worried because this part was the third that covered ONE date. I considered shortening it in case the readers began to feel the story had stalled.

I worried that going through the ENTIRE letter was too much - and that in some ways it got repetitive - apparently not. smile1

To those who said this part made their day better - thank you. I love writing, but if no one else gets any enjoyment from what I do, it becomes a fairly self-centred pursuit. I always feel dance when someone says a part helped them through a bad day.

Sorry, have to go.

Not sure when 21 will hit the boards. I have to get 23 to Iolanthe first.

With much appreciation to everyone who left comments,
