Sorry you had such trouble posting this part, Corrina, but I'm sure glad that you did. It was lovely to see Kal's reaction to Lois' acceptance of his marriage proposal and wonderful to see them discuss physical intimacy.

It's refreshing to listen in on their dialogue because they've been more direct with each other about their feelings - probably due to the cultural differences between them. Even when they were discussing topics that were embarrassing or difficult, they persevered. Maybe we should all have translators installed so we can understand one another better. laugh

Ann said:
What does Za feel about her marriage to Kal?
Probably the same way that Kal feels about his marriage to Za: detached in the way that regal nobles feel toward their birth spouses. Maybe she even feels a little resentful or trapped, depending on whether she's developed feelings for Ching. Unfortunately, we don't yet know anything about Za.

One thing is known: that regal nobles have children with their concubines. So a physically intimate relationship between one man and multiple women is the norm. Who knows if calling it a "marriage" will generate anything but a shoulder shrug?
“If I were an Earth man, would I understand why you changed your mind about marrying me?”

“Probably not.”

As always, I love to see the little nuggets dropped about Nor and his evil plans (along with Lois and Kal's suspicions - I'm so glad they've started talking about him!), as well as the continued search for water. So, Nor has been supportive of the plan to drill for water, but one of the machines has broken. Hmmm. Sounds like Nor is working behind the scenes to make sure Kal doesn't succeed. It's time for Kal to walk with Lois with her newly acquired x-ray vision to find those underground aquifers. Then they'll only need one working drill. smile

Waiting (im)patiently for the next part,