My apologies in not replying sooner. It's been a lot harder getting back to work than I had thought it would be. frown

Amberlea - Speechless? Really? <squeeeeeeee> And you read it twice? <more squeeing> Of course she was driving - it's Lois! wink You brought up an interesting point, about Clark trusting Lois. Instinctively, they both trust Flois. But I think both Clarks will realize that Plois is the same person, just a few years younger.

Fuzzy - Thank you! I'm curious to see where I go with it too… wink

Ann - Yes, it's true, I have an inordinate fondness for hurt/comfort stories. And I've already confessed that this story is based on some of my favorite mental wanderings for the characters. laugh

Elisabeth - Yay! I'm glad you liked it. clap

James - I'll keep the suggestions that you and Pam have made in mind for the final version. Thanks!

Michael - lol! I reset my short term memory about every five minutes, so I can relate. But your general impression is what I was going for, so yay! smile

I don't know when part 8 will be up. I didn't do a thing on it last week (even though I said I would). I'm hoping for better things this week. <fingers crossed>

Thanks, you guys! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis