First things first: Thank you *so* much for posting your original draft for us! Especially because I know how much time you spend getting your story just-so before you feel comfortable posting (and even then you say you have to force yourself to press that Post button), I just feel honored that you would do this for us. THANK YOU again.

My comments on the original story-line? LOL! I can *so* see that happening. I see Lois almost on auto-pilot here. She's on a mission to get Clark stripped down and in a hot shower, as she has obviously done many times before. And Clark's reaction was priceless.

So, on to the final version. Beautiful, just beautiful. Ditto to what everyone else has said. I LOVED IT!

I found Bellarata's and Sjp's comments interesting, because I had been spending the time between postings doing some more musing on the whole "Is it cheating to be with your past/future spouse?" issue. What started me thinking about this again was GamesAway's post on another thread about the alt-Universe fanfic Through the Window.

Through the Window presented a much trickier situation. Alt-Clark is NOT Clark. This Clark is Clark, and Lois is Lois. I finally decided it would be sort of like having one of them bump his (or her) head and get a very strange amnesia which makes him forget the past 3 years of his life. Once I thought about it that way, I realized they could, theoretically, remain in their mixed-up times and it wouldn't be the end of the world. Of course, I much prefer to see everyone back where (or when) they belong.

So... when is part 8?

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster