I'm glad you listened to our pleas and gave us both parts. However, I humbly admit that you were right, and your revisions just made me have all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings.

I loved the parallels between the past and future versions of the couples. Both Loises knew how to provide comfort to their Clarks and it was nice to see that they did so in very similar ways.

I'm still struggling with the adultery fine line. I think the actions of both couples teetered on this line, and I would hope when they are reunited with their right partner, they practise full disclosure.

I'm really curious as to why this switch has happened. The one theory I'm leaning towards is that this event will help Lois and Clark realize what they have. But, I can't help worry what knowing the future will do to past Lois and Clark. On the one hand, it may be comforting to know that things will work out. However, it may add to the pressure of a relationship just on the brink.

Enough of my rambling. Can we have the next part soon pretty please?