Wow. When I finished reading this part the first time, I was speechless. I wanted to leave feedback, but I literally had nothing to say because it was just so great. I can't believe that's the result when you are so nervous about posting!

On the second time through, I was able to manage some actual feedback. It struck me as somewhat amusing that Plois was driving. I mean, I understand it's her car, but it's so quintessential Lois that her whole world can be turned upside down yet she'll still be the one driving the Jeep.

The way that Plois has been able to adjust to everything sort of makes you wonder if things would have been different if Clark had told Lois everything sooner - not just his secret, but that he loved her. Of course, Plois hasn't had a choice but to deal with things in this reality, but maybe Clark should have had a little more faith in Lois.

Gosh, even the second time through, my biggest reaction is wow.

I'm not sure it even matters to me what you write anymore, just please post more! (Okay, so maybe it matters a little, but more soon please!)
