This was a wonderful ending to a truly exceptional work. A few notes:

Your portrayal of Lois was top notch. Not just in that you did her character well, but I was particularly impressed how her character evolved from part 1 through the end. She was truly a person that was lost in the life decision that she had made and through this experience, found herself again.

This phrase:
Clark believed in the real me, not the simulacrum I’d become
Rang particularly true. At the beginning, Lois was lost and in her place was a simulacrum.

Of course, I love the “flushed down the toilet” ending for Lex. If EVER there was an appropriate and fitting end to Lex, that is it. clap

I also liked the echo of the Lucky Leon first date in Lois’s description of the date with Clark. Of course it “just …worked”.

And finally:
He flashes *that* grin at me, the one that always makes my knees wobble and my heart race. I smile back when I realize it wasn’t just his friendship or his skill as a reporter that made me trust him.

It was his smile.
You may have achieved a “Perfect 10” ending!
Well done! hail
