Now that's an ending!

Congratulations, BJ. You did it.

This is an outstanding story. The ending hits just the right tones, balancing the outcome of the trials of Lex's cronies against the rebirth of the Daily Planet, the establishment of the Superman Foundation, and the teasers about Clark's relationship with Lois and their probable future. I'm glad they didn't just jump into an engagement or a relationship of some kind right away. Lois needed that time away from Clark to center herself and deal with the Lex fallout, although I suspect that you could, without straining too much, build a number of stories in this universe just on the bad stuff Lex did which pops up in the future to bedevil our favorite couple.

And I really liked the flushing of Lex's ashes! Therapeutic, indeed. And this means no Lex clones or reconstituted bodies in years to come.

Or does it?

Anyway, this a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it with us. You rock, lady!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing