And here's where I get to acknowledge the brilliance of the people that actually created and/or own these characters, as well as the wonderful people that helped me to write this story.

As any FoLC can tell, I borrowed heavily from of the show, especially dialogue from “Strange Visitor” and “The Green, Green Glow of Home” written by Bryce Zabel, as well as “Requiem for a Superhero” by Dusty Kay. I also stole many ideas and dialogue snippets from the other season one episodes while manipulating them to my heart’s desire. So my thanks go to every contributing writer and the actors, as well as the show’s creators and producers. Please try to remember that this is only a work of fan fiction and that mimicry is the highest form of flattery.

Credit for the plot bunny goes to Patrick (aka Framework) for putting up a challenge to write a story about Lois as Mrs. Luthor. For some reason I couldn’t devise, his challenge stuck in my brain and started to grow. It took me a while, but I hope the end product was worth the wait.

As always, I’d like to thank my beta readers – all four of them. I don’t know what I did to run them off, but I kept losing beta’s to real life. I just hope it wasn’t the story. <bg>

A big, squishy hug goes to Kathy Brown for her irreplaceable insight and help. She can brainstorm a plot bunny like no other and her beta comments aren’t bad either. Thanks for all the encouragement, Kathy, and for taking the time when you were so wickedly busy.

Also, big thanks to Kevin (aka Kermitzu), who’s comments and enthusiasm for this story kept me writing when I hit several brick walls … hard. Thanks, Kevin.

To Alcyone goes my love and dedication for her beta comments, which always made the story better and usually made me laugh. Writing in first person is tricky and she was excellent at making me show what was happening. Thanks for your help, Alcyone.

Lastly, I’d like to express my undying devotion to ML Thompson for her story-telling abilities and thanks for taking the time to help me out. Her questions about Lois’ kidnapping, her comments about characterization and her suggestions about pacing were invaluable. Thank you, ML!

Oh, and the haircut in the epilogue is dedicated to Tank – see what leaving feedback can do to a story? wink

Knowing how much Lex likes the play, _King Richard the III_ by William Shakespeare, it seemed apropos for the situation. Thanks and credit goes to the Bard himself (our boy Bill can write a villain like no other) and to Wikiquote for the following lines of dialog:

“Was ever woman in this humour woo'd?&#8232; Was ever woman in this humour won? &#8232;I'll have her; — but I will not keep her long.” (Richard III, Act I, Scene II)
“And thus I clothe my naked villainy/ With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ,/&#8232;And seem a saint, when most I play the devil. (Richard III, Act I, Scene III)
“So wise so young, they say, do never live long.” (Richard III, Act III, Scene I)

Also briefly mentioned is Cato, a character from various “Pink Panther” movies (1964 – 1993), staring Peter Sellers and directed by Blake Edwards. My apologies to fans – I just couldn’t resist the comparison between Asabi’s tests on Lex (i.e., the creepy cobra scene in the pilot) and Cato Fong’s attacks on Inspector Clouseau.

Lastly, to all the FoLCs, both present and past, that make this fandom so satisfying. The quality of writing and the people that frequent these boards are amazing and I'm happy to be a part of it.