I'm glad this situation made Lois realize at last just who Clark really is. He will always be Superman, powers or not, and he will always be a very competent journalist, whose judgment should at least be respected, especially by his wife.

Poor Matt was probably to be the most pitied here, but at least he has his dad's experience to draw on, as well as Lois's tenacity. As long as he can gain the right perspective on this kind of mess, he's going to be all right. That's what his parents are for.

I hope Jimmy decides to take seriously Clark's suspicions about the bomber. Not that Clark is always right -- far from it -- but Jimmy needs to remember that he has very good instincts, no matter what happened to him over the last few years. Just because he went through a very bad time doesn't mean he changed from being one half of the Hottest Team in Town.

And last, it's good to see Clark becoming Superman again, not through his powers, but through his attitude -- although if his powers continue to defy Dr. Klein's predictions, I won't mind <g>.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.