Beautifully written. Your writing is so visual for me. I had the scene at the hospital perfectly pictured in my mind as well as the emotions.

I love the sentences below. Clark knew he had his anchor in Lois but Matt had not found his Lois so Clark would be there for his son just as Lois was there for Clark and her son.

'While the group said goodnight, he felt Lois slip her hand into his and knew he would find peace in her arms, if only for a few short hours. He just hoped Matt could sleep and wouldn't be haunted by nightmares.

Matt was resolute and strong, but so young to be a hero. He hadn't had time to find his anchor.'

I would love to see more of Lois and Clark connecting in the next chapter. You write so well the love they feel for one another. it is tangible in every word.
