I'm glad I double-checked before posting another thread. Cp33 beat me to the punch.

Wonderful part, Jenni. Full of vivid descriptions and strong emotion. I've been lucky enough never to have experienced anything as horrendous as war or natural disaster, but your descriptions of the bombing aftermath made it so real.

Standing amid the rubble in a business suit, he couldn't see it for himself, but never before had he looked more like Superman.
Wow. What a great image. I understand why Clark is so bereft at the loss of his powers - they've always been such an integral part of his self identity - but I think he doesn't give himself enough credit. He really is something special.

And this...
Matt was resolute and strong, but so young to be a hero. He hadn't had time to find his anchor.

In the meantime, Clark resolved to keep a close watch on his boy.
I've never appreciated Jonathan Kent as much as I when I read those lines. I could even hear it in his voice. The influence an ordinary human man can have on his superpowered son is priceless. I only hope that Clark can remember his own dad when looking out for his son.

Even more than the values that Jonathan and Martha were able to give Clark before he became a superhero, Clark can also mentor his son in how to deal with the situations he might encounter in his 2nd job.
