
I love how this chapter focuses on the aftermath of the disaster, not with the actual disaster though, but with how it effects Matt and his family.
It is strengthening Clark.. re-awaking the superman he is. It is bringing clarity to Lois in who Clark was, and is again becoming.
It is providing a turmoil for Matt... and I really enjoy seeing how this is playing out for him... a wrong step could turn him into a rogue super-hero.. and that would be bad...
In the meantime, the last line of this part was poignant. Clark knows he has to watch Matt.. and even without powers, I get the impression that Superman might have to guide and strengthen him more than either know yet.

I also found it interesting the cops might think they are dealing with 2 bombers.. one being a copy-cat. I've heard of this as a tactic before to try and enrage/draw out the bomber.. so I am curious as to how that pans out.

I have one criticism though Jenni... I want more, more, more!!! I love you're writing style.. as has been said.. it's vivid, clear.. and a strong picture into this family. It makes my week when I see you've posted. grovel grovel grovel

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box