Originally posted by carolm:
I have to admit the... 'condemnation' of Clark surprises me.
Me too. But I may cut him more slack because I've been there. I got married at 18, (and I'm still married to the same woman over 30 years later).

In the early days of my marriage my wife expressed distrust and jealousy towards a female friend of mine. This friend advised me that if my wife was feeling that way I should just not associate with her (the friend). She told me I should make it clear by my actions that my wife was the more important person. I took her advice and have applied it many times over the years. It is likely one of the reasons I am still married. smile

As for the friend, she and her husband have been married almost as long as my wife and I and we've all been friends for decades.

However of the many couples who got married in our "group" during that same half decade period, I can only recall two other couples, out of dozens, who are still married.

So I found Clark's actions understandable and normal and I also found Lois's reaction reasonable.
