Now I have to agree about the whole Mayson thing. It was one thing for them to be friends and hang out, it’s another to do so when Mayson made it clear that she was interested in being more than just friends with Clark. She obviously still has her eyes on him, which makes it a problem. I know Clark is a little naïve, but the two of them have been friends for how long now? I really think Clark should have become more suspicious of Lois’ reasons for suddenly starting to skip out on their lunch dates once Mayson entered the picture. It’s good that Clark is honest with Lois about things like it being Mayson on the phone, but I’m really surprised that he hasn’t noticed how Mayson bothers Lois at all.

On to other things…I’m not surprised about the death of Aunt Louise. Like Ann said, I knew she was old so it would probably happen eventually. It makes me so sad for poor Lois though. As if her life wasn’t tough enough already, and now this whinging

I do hope that Lois and Clark start communicating soon. Communication can be really difficult, especially when two people the schedules these two do, and never see each other. That whole thing about they just need to sit down and talk? Not easy. I find that believable. I’d venture to say more relationships have bad communication than good.

But, Lois and Clark used to be best friends. They need to get that back. Maybe they could start writing letters to each other to express unsaid thoughts? It would probably be easier to write their thoughts than say them (especially on Lois’ behalf), and it would be more practical considering their schedules.

I hope they start to get things straightened out soon.