I have to admit the... 'condemnation' of Clark surprises me. Or rather the vehemence of it does I suppose. Maybe it's because it's my story and I 'know' more than you guys do - both what you'll find out through the course of the story and what you won't but I know anyway - does that make sense? If you look at what *we* actually *know* about is the following:
* Clark and Mayson is that they've had lunch a lot.
* We know it was just the two of them the first three days.
* We know it was just the two of them studying the day their class was canceled.
* We know *Lois* only *saw* two of them in the picture of them eating lunch together.
* We know Mayson made a comment to Clark about working out.
* We know Clark has spent more time with her at the one point than he had with Lois recently.

We don't *know*:
* That it's always just the two of them.
* That they saw each other over summer break or winter break.
* That they saw each other or ate together or whatever during the Fall semester because we skipped from August to February.

At least not at the end of Ch. 13. I guess that's one of the... pitfalls? of WiPs. I *know* more than you guys do... You'll find out much more in Ch. 14 and beyond.


Ann - yes, Ellen is horrid isn't she? But she's also a drunk and doesn't have to be rational and sadly wasn't. I'm relieved that you were 'okay' with Louise dying because you were one that worried me most - I know how you feel about killing off female characters, but part of the reason I switched her engagement from WWII to WWI was because she was supposed to be in her 80s and so her death, while unpleasant, isn't necessarily unexpected. If you want to 'hear' one of the princess stories - wait for the release of LtL: Lucy's Story wink - she tells Lucy one in there. Lois and Clark will talk later about *why* Lucy can believe those things even though Lois doesn't. I'd be interested to hear theories to see what others think. I did notice that you said this [emphasis added]:

But I'm worried about the implicationthat Clark may have been having lunch alone with Mayson for months in a row.
That goes back to what I was saying above. It's implied, not stated. However, when she asked him out - they'd only known each other for three days - I'm not sure how they could spend less time together... But I do understand what you're saying.

JD - Hope you made it back wink .

Interesting theory, Ann!

Elisabeth - I hate it when computers do that - though mine usually involves a 3yo.

For all we know she still doesn't pour her own milk or she hates peanut butter and jelly.
This reminds me of two things: One a dear friend who still won't eat peanut butter [but it was his choice to eat nothing else for all of jr. high] and DH. We go through... 3-4 gallons of milk a week most weeks and even when it was just me and DH we'd go through 2 or so. However, when he was growing up, they RARELY finished a gallon before it went bad so the last inch or so was always yucky. It was YEARS before DH would drink the last of the milk - he'd either drink something else or open a new gallon even though the date on it was days away. And he still won't eat tuna. Interesting how those things stay with us.

I tend to go with Lois just can't cook. She probably could do a bit more than PBJ eventually, but I'm thinking more along the lines of cold cuts and Ramen noodles and prepackaged oatmeal. As mentioned above, we'll see more of Clark in 14. And we'll find out about Paul, but later.

Rona - letters - that's very interesting and a good idea. Of course, these two don't always listen to good advice wink . I think Lois has tried hard to not let Clark know it's Mayson that bothers her - rather she has [seemingly] legitimate reasons for not doing lunch with him - especially for someone taking as many credits as she is [I think the math I did had her at 19 credits most semesters - that's A LOT].

Beth - When I first started this, I honestly thought Louise was who Lois thought she was. On their wedding night - Louise surprised me to no end. I was sad to see her go as well.

Michael - Glad to know you're at least still here wink .

James - great to have you caught up!!! See above for my thoughts about thoughts on Clark. You're right to wonder about Paul and Linda, but this is all from either Clark or Lois' POV so having scene with just them is hard. We'll find out more about it later. And yeah - the potty training... *sigh* I don't know what to do with that girl, but she's not getting it just yet. *sigh some more*

Thanks once again for the FDK everyone. Part 14 should be up tonight after I read through it again to make sure that I didn't miss anything like I did in 12...
