Oh my god!! Evil cliffhanger! jawdrop

Here I was thinking this was a nice sweet little section, and then you spring that ending on us...need more!!!

I'll read the Martha letters soon, I can't formulate coherent thoughts at the moment.


Okay, I'm back. Now, about the last section. Evil cliffhangers might make me fuss a bit, but I really secretly like them :p Cliffhanger aside, it was a nice section. I like how you've incorporated Jimmy and Perry and Alice into Lois and Clark's life at a young age. I'm going to take this as a good sign for what the future holds smile

The Martha letters were great, as well. They really did give me that nice WAFFy feeling, which was sorely needed today. I can completely see Martha saying these sort of things to Clark.

As a side note, I completely relate to the ice storm, since I went through one back in '97 that left us without power for three days and nights. It got down to around 40 in our house and stayed there until the electricity came on. We all slept in one bed (including the dog) with lots of blankets. Fortunately, we had a kerosene camping stove we were able to cook on, and the food didn't go bad because we kept it outside in the below-freezing weather. Ha!

Keep the good work coming, Carol!