Who me? Evil? Can't be wink .

Rona - as an author it's nice to leave readers speechless. As a reader I have a love/hate relationship with it just as you do. Our betta fish died in about 24 hours during our storm. Who woulda thunk it? Tropical fish, 43* house... Go figure... We didn't stay at our house [relatives 45m away had power] but the temp got down into the low 40s without a fire going. We have friends who moved their freezers etc. to the driveway to keep their food. We moved stuff to the garage shelves - refrigerator stuff mostly because it didn't get over like 25* while we were gone and it wouldn't go bad.

Beth - I'm glad you're enjoying the letters. I'm enjoying writing them - trying to get into Martha's head and all. Not sure how well I succeed all the time but... I probably won't post any more until Friday or so with the next part.

Elisabeth - yes, it was a sloppy accident. I hope I made that clear. Perry saw him picking up still smoldering logs and moving them around and then the fire was suddenly blazing again without kindling. And he was so... freaked that he didn't hear everyone else head towards the kitchen. Got the arrow wink . What would I do without you to remind me?! I've contemplated doing something like that for my kids, but just can't bring myself to...

Ann - glad you're back on the boards!!!! I like Jimmy and Lucy together [though it's usually my version of Lucy because we didn't really learn TOO much about her on the show] and have had them end up together in several fics. Whether they'll stay together here or not... we'll have to wait and see [they're only 16 and 17 or so at this point, though Lois was married to Clark when she was 17...] We have lots of trees in our area and lots of above ground power lines so when literally inches of frozen precip coated the trees... well, you can imagine. Not only was our old house out for 10 days but the weatherhead [where the wiring goes from the pole to the house] was damaged and the neighbor's trees would have landed on our van [because we wouldn't have thought to move it]. One tree [that was half dead] is completely gone now].

And I promise their first real investigation will end up in the Planet.

JD - hee hee! Repeat after me: Cliffhangers are good. Cliffhangers are my friend. Carol is not evil. Repeat. Repeatedly.

Michael - I did a little [internal] happy dance when I saw that you posted on the other boards that this was a fic you were running to read [or something like that]. Tomorrow is busy so I'm going to post here in a bit. Of course, that means I need to get the muse working so that I don't run out of buffer in a week and a half or so. Yes, he did have his first kiss long before his first date didn't he? Though technically, we don't know when his first date was - just that he went out with Lana some.

Okay - will be posting shortly smile .
