I liked this part a lot. Yay to the idea of having Lucy hook up with Jimmy! I was feeling a bit worried when you said that Lucy had been seeing a boy a lot, because we all know that Lucy has often had awful taste when it comes to boyfriends. But her and Jimmy!! That's splendid!

Power outages. Eeeeech. I have never been a victim of any sort of severe outage myself, because these problems have so far never hit the major cities in Sweden. However, for people who live in the countryside, power outages are a recurring and severe problem during winter storms. Large parts of Sweden are heavily forested, and during storms trees fall of the power lines and cut off power for hours or days in a row for some people.

I loved seeing Lois and Clark meet Perry and Alice. I wasn't absolutely thrilled when Perry found out about Clark's secret, though. It irritates me a bit that Clark would hide his secret so carefully from Lois, actually for weeks and months after they were married, but he would tell Perry about his alien origins less than twenty-four hours after meeting him. It just seems that Clark has his preferences wrong when it comes to sharing his secret.

Oh well, I hope that this means that Perry will give Lois and Clark a chance to write something for the Daily Planet soon!
