Okay - I really should be going to bed now but I need to unwind for a few minutes smile .

Gr8 - that actually is where the whole premise for the fic came from. What if Lois and Clark got married young? What could cause that? SQD's wonderful Coming of Age showed what could happen with a teenage romance, but I wanted to see what would happen if they felt the need to get married while in/just out of high school. I emailed Nan at one point during Second Choice and told her that I was going to have to bow out because it was hitting too close. This was in October before Nano started. More on SC in a bit.

Ann - Aunt Louise totally shocked me. I honestly had her pictured as the horrid old, shriveled up nasty woman and then she goes and throws Joe at me. Literally. As I was typing, I didn't know what she was going to say until I saw it on the screen. The whole sleeping together [as well as *not* sleeping together] thing was something else I wanted to explore.

Ann and Elisabeth - thanks for helping me see what I could rework in that paragraph about the wedding rings smile .

Michael - you keep calling things I didn't see myself - like Lois wanting the top bunk and being the top banana. I didn't even see Lois in Aunt Louise, but you're right - there's definitely a similarity there! I'm glad you like the new posting schedule - I have another surprise to go along with that later this week wink .

Elisabeth - I read at 90mph too. I'm constantly having to go back and reread some things more carefully to make them make sense. Maybe I should just read more slowly in the first place?

Amy - I'm glad you brought up the powers! I'm not sure Clark's thought that part all the way through.

I'm glad to see that many of you agree that him tossing all of that into the mix at this point would have been too much. He does start obsessing about it soon - I promise wink .

Beth - /me takes a quick glance to see if there's any more Fidelity - they do have a lot to work through. Though they've written letters for four years, and each knows the other better than just about anyone else, but in other ways they hardly know each other at all.

Framework - wow! Congratulations!!! We were 20 and 21 though looking back I'm not sure why we didn't get married sooner. We've been together since 17. Our 11 year is coming up. What does Lois feel when kissing Clark... hmmm... Inquiring minds want to know! /me whistles innocently

AnKS - I'm glad you're enjoying it. I had the feeling the teen marriage was going to throw a lot of people for a loop. There seemed to be that 'oh I hope they don't lose touch for ten years' vibe. Of course, I knew that wasn't going to happen!

Andreia - you do get the gold star for the Norcross and Judd question!

JD - Glad you're reading!

Nan - no problem. I was planning on addressing that here anyway. I hope you know how much I enjoy just about any Nan-fic but in particular Second Choice in this case. I was so worried that we were going in the same direction when I read the proposal, but we weren't - not at all. I'm glad to hear you're reading even if you haven't been commenting smile .

Forgetting about Clark for the moment, I didn't think SC's Lois was Slutty Lois at all. If she'd slept with half the football team... well, I'd reevaluate. 'Our' Lois dated Joe - the football guy in high school. Though the only person they ever actually say she slept with was Claude, it wouldn't surprise me to find out she'd slept with Joe. She labels all of her relationships as 'federal disasters' and I know VD aired a couple months before Small World so Dean may not have known about her relationship with Joe when he wrote it, but for it to have been a disaster [though not on the scale of Lex of course]... I could see it, is all. Sleeping with one guy, one time and finding herself pregnant does not make her slutty, imo anyway.

SC's Clark asks her to marry him, I thought, for a lot of the same reasons LtL's Clark does. He loves her. She needs his help and he wants to do what he can. He'd want to marry her at 18 or 28, but in both stories, for different reasons, it's 18. She needs help and in both cases, marriage - something at least he wants anyway - is an answer and it makes sense. Clark's not a saint in either fic - as you pointed out with the touchdowns etc. For now at least, he's still Saint Clark here, but in the future he does make mistakes, as we all tend to do.

I've got the next few parts about ready to go but once I finish tweaking the one I'm on... well, the next part is still a list of half scenes. And Clark surprised me after Kerths on Saturday with something he said while I was tweaking part 4 so now I have to deal with that - and I couldn't make him take it back [and honestly, I didn't want to wink ]. Pesky characters!

Thanks guys!! Watch a message board near you on Thursday!