Not to hijack the thread, but I just saw Ann's comment that in Second Choice it portrayed Clark as Saint Clark vs Slutty Lois. I think that entire interpretation is off. Second Choice followed the canon in the show itself where Lois was experienced and Clark wasn't. And I don't see how carrying it a little farther changed things. In the show Clark didn't regard Lois as slutty, and no one else did either. And I'm quite sure that if Lois had had a child in the show, Clark would have loved that child as his own. So just how did what I wrote differ except in degree? Neither Lois nor Clark were saints as teens in Second Choice, as Clark admitted to himself -- he deliberately made spectacular touchdowns a couple of times to impress Lana. That isn't perfect behavior, either.

My apologies, Carol, for going off topic, but I felt thoroughly mischaracterized by Ann's post -- especially since she didn't apparently feel it necessary to read enough of the rest of the story to judge it fairly.

Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't been posting feedback, but life has been incredibly hectic recently. I'll continue to read. You have an interesting story here.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.