Hi Shayne,

I just started reading and caught up with the story and I must laud you on how clever the whole premise and execution has been. From the transitions in chapter 1 to the portrayal of a world without a Superman reacting to the sudden "threat" - everything has been amazing. I enjoy the rather underlying commentary that the topics are bringing about, and regardless of the varied opinions and arguments that sprout from the discussion, I think the discussion itself is key. So kudos on the subtlety wink

The way you have explained the connections - or at least hinted to the explanation through the character's theories - is ingenious. Totally things that I didn't think of as a reader, but things that fit so well that I can only smile. I was waiting for Lois and Clark to finally meet, and when they did, the way they did - shortness and all - was somehow perfect.

I too am guessing that Clark is the one responsible for the apartment clean-up and certainly hope he checked for bugs... although, maybe he isn't in the shower and is using the water noise as cover for the conversation they are about to have. Hmmmm.

I really hope the next post is coming soon!


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles