Very interesting chapter, Shayne. I love your a-plot (one of your best) and hate it at the same time. I think I'm just uncomfortable with how telling it is about our real world.

I'm sorry we didn't get to see the conversation with Lucy, but glad to get the recap with Agent White. I keep trying to trust in him as one of the good guys, but if there's one thing I get from your story is that no one trusts anyone and everyone is suspect in our world. How sad.

I have to say again, I really like Susan. Hope to see more of her.

Yay! for Clark in Lois' shower. Can't wait for the next part, assuming that they actually converse in the next chapter wink

Gerry said:
But there is aspect that you have only covered with Lucy that has been niggling at me. If this is some kind of parallel universe then the others on the plane have to have dopplegangers and I wonder when the feds are going to clue in on that.
I thought I remembered something from an earlier part, so I took a quick look through the TOC. Check out part 7. Lois overhears the following at the hospital:
She leaned against a door and strained to listen as the two men made their way down the hallway.

“They aren’t conscious yet,” one man was saying into the satellite phone. “We can’t even be sure that this Evans guy really is military. His paperwork was just as phony as every other passenger on the plane.”

The man stopped outside Lois’s door and she tensed.

“The fingerprints do match, but we’ve already contacted our Lieutenant Evans in Georgetown, and he’ll be meeting with us this evening. Yes…like the others.”

Was that the reason everyone had been arrested? Every single person on the plane had phony documentation?
I assumed that because the Feds had checked on Lt. Evans, they'd been running checks on all of the dopplegangers, including Lucy. That's why they wanted to exhume her body and check DNA. I bet the Feds found that DNA and fingerprints are exact matches to those they've identified so far, but don't know what to make of it yet.

More soon, please.