First: YAYYYYY!!!! party

Great part! So I see that they're going with the "crazed religious cult" theory. I hadn't even though of that as an "explanation" and it makes a lot of sense, except it still doesn't explain where the plane itself comes from. It could explain all the magazines and other "props". It wouldn't explain deeper things like Marcus was thinking about: masks on microchips and so forth. But they might not think to even look at that. The one place the explanation falls down is that even a religious cult would not go to the lengths to pull something like this off at the necessary level of detail.

However, no one, including Lois, is even entertaining for a moment the idea that any of it could be real. I guess Clark is going to have to demonstrate that the hard way. How convenient that he seems to have come back into Lois' life (and her apartment). laugh

“If she cooperates first,” Agent White said. “I wouldn’t wait too long. We’re working on all the others.”
...and Lois and Clark don't have much time. In a planefull of people, there is sure to be someone who would "confess" if they think it could get them somewhere. And if the government starts using "enhanced interrogation techniques," anyone would "confess" in order to get them to stop.

It just occurred to me: if Lois thinks this is a crazed cult, then surely the person calling himself "Clark Kent" must be the leader!