Although politics are a hot subject, I'm not sure that everyone means that the security measures in place are always a bad thing. (Some may disagree on certain issues, of course.)

I think most people are bemoaning the NEED for these things, because what we sacrifice in the interest of safety and security IS a sacrifice. We lost our innocence as a nation and we've entered darker times.

Some things that are done may be looked back on by history with shame, just as we now look that way on the internment of innocent Japanese Americans during World War II. Other things may be with us for now on, and those may be freedoms that are lost forever.

Some things in hindsight might be seen as absolute necessities.

But even if the government is totally right in everything it does, it doesn't change the fact that we now live in a time where suspicion and paranoia are necessary, where freedoms are curtailed, and where the innocence of even fifteen years ago seems like a brighter time.

It's a darker world.

On the brighter side, thanks everyone for all the feedback. Some of the suggestions you have given I have already been planning for quite a while. Others hadn't even occurred to me.

Thanks again!