I tried to only skim the feedback, since I've only read the first few paragraphs of this part, but I wanted to make sure that you hadn't already gotten 500 comments pointing this out.

From part 20:
She had driven her Jeep to Clark’s apartment, but it was such a nice night that they had opted to walk to the restaurant instead of driving.
From part 21:
Then the cab had dropped them off at her apartment where Clark could change into his Suit and then she could drive ‘Superman' to STAR Labs in her Jeep.
Hmmm... Is Lois following the cab in her Jeep? It seems like an awfully bad waste of cash, but if he's too wounded to move from the back seat, I can understand.

Sorry, but I made a mental note of where Lois' Jeep was because I was trying to convince myself that Lois had only consumed enough alcohol to feel the effects but not enough to impair her driving.

Now, I've interupted my reading for too long. I doubt I'll finish enough to comment further tonight, but I'll drop you a line when I'm done.

who is disappointed she glanced enough in skimming feedback to know what's going to happen next. frown