Wow - one person mentions that they think it might be kidney stones (okay, more than one) and then someone mentions the K... and now people are just running with it. Maybe it was just bad cake from the wedding shower??? LOL!
Well, I guess that's the way that fic lore gets started... We readers are just trying to get past the 'almost two funerals' for our honeymoon hero. But I still like Sue's explanation best - Lois broke him!!! laugh [insert nfic smilie here]

I'll see what I can do if there are any readers out there who want to read an interloper's scene. This might be good for my muse - she's been on vacation lately because of work, but I'll get it my best shot. Maybe I can get one of your betas to see if it passes snuff to be associated with your story. [Linked Image]