Ooooh, more fdk!

eek And a poem from Caroline??? goofy

Hey if this is going to be a "NO HAPPY END" tell me now! I want to have a happy ending. Please! [Hail] [Hail] [Hail] [Hail]
Now, Barbara, when have you ever known me not to come through in the end with a happy ending? Hmmm? <g> I mean there's always a first time for everything...

What? I'm just saying...


Thanks for the fdk, Barbara!

Hi Caroline! A poem! Oh, happy days. This takes me way back - to highschool and creative writing class <giggles>

LOL!!! OMG! That was hilarious! You made me cry - but from tears of laughter.

That was too good! And you even got the rhythm and rhyming down <giggles girlishly> 8 count lines! And the 3rd line in the first stanza rhymes with the lines in the 2nd stanza and... wait! You managed to do that for each stanza! <squeals>

Eeee hee hee! I LOVED it! Too cute!

I don't know about the English teachers - but I wept tears of mirth! Thank you, Caroline! sloppy

-- DJ


Ann!!! <hugs>

ANOTHER POEM!!! Yippee!!! Wow! I'm on a role!

<sits down to read - will come back to comment in a bit>


I'm back....

And I'm speechless! <yes, I know, difficult to accomplish with me - LOL>

WOW! Ann! How in the world? You guys amaze me! Hee hee hee - you're too much!

I have to say though, that this stanza was my favorite:

The shadow of our lovers' night of pleasure
floated midway on the waves
Where was heard the mingled measure
of the moans and pants and raves.
It was a miracle of rare device
after near sixty years of fiction'l celibacy!
LOL!!!! 60 years of fictional celibacy <falls out of chair laughing and snorting> Oh, Ann! That was too funny...

However... you're right. I did at least allow them to get together... right? That's gotta make you happy, yes? I know how you hate to get jerked around by too much UST... well this sexual tension is no longer "unresolved" - eh? <g>

Thank you for the poem. I loved it! You guys sure know how to make a girl's head swell. And Babbles... well now she's refusing to share equal billing with Bubbles, stating that she's in an all together different league from her - there will be hell to pay now.

<snort> Apparentely I get silly on only 6 hours of sleep.

Anyway, thank you all so much! The fdk has been phenomenal... And those poems were just too much! <g>

I really think you all deserve to get the final part sooner than Sunday... but I really do want to wait and see what *BOTH* my betas have to say before I post it - waiting on one. <g>

So here's the deal - if I get the part back before Sunday, I'll post it sooner. <g> I know the poetry deserves more... but it's the best offer I've got.

C-ya all soon!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.