
Andreia - LOL - A wedding and Almost 2 Funerals - ROTFLOL!!!

Actually, I started the chapter reassuring all of you that Clark wasn't dead... *ahem* Yeah, I know "splitting hairs" and all. <g>

You didn’t even respect his honeymoon. - Boy, you don’t give the poor guy a break, do you?
Hey! He GOT a honeymoon, didn't he? It's not like he carried her through the doorway and then collapsed. <Babbles pouts - just can't please some people...> goofy

Your heart doesn’t melt at his cuteness, DJ? What? They ripped out your heart at Evilness School? [Dizzy]
Yes, I'll remind you that my teacher, Sue, made the first incision. <bats eyelashes at Sue> Love you, Sue. <g>

quote: “As long as we both shall live.”

Depending on DJ this can be a very short time. -
LOL!!! goofy

(I'm sorry for my naughty English. But for the while I read L&C fanfic writer's good work. Because I'm so funny, happy for them, I dare write feedbacks. [Embarrassed] )
I don't know what your native language is, but I followed your English just fine. I'm honored that you chose me to delurk and give some fdk to. Thanks.

Hi Sheila! My foolishness!? Whatever do you mean? I assure you... it was all Babbles.

I love your speculating. <g>

<whistles innocently...>

So glad you liked the wedding. And enjoyed the honeymoon... even if it was cut short...

Finally, the man that she has been waiting for all her life...and this...on their wedding day. After all of her federal disasters.
<ducks head in shame... sort of...>

Don't worry're gonna live! Or I'm coming after DJ! [Evil]
Hah! I laugh at thee... you didn't even send any pointy stick men or chainsaws... I'm not afraid. <g>

Well... maybe a little... Hee hee - thanks for the fdk, Sheila!!!

Hi James! Okay <makes notes - no apologizing for long parts> <g> I actually was just trying to warn people - so if they were hoping to fit in a "quick read" they would know this one was a little longer. But thanks. <g>

Just know that we will expect you to keep that up if you do that too often...
Oh... well, if you insist. <g> The final part is also at least 15 pages. Thanks for the fdk, James.

Ann!!! <squeals girlishly> You gave me a Calvin!!! <g>

Clark is dying???? Again??? For real???
Uhhhh... yeah... I'm gonna take a pass on that question. Next... goofy

He could marry them, because he is an ordained minister of the First Church of Blue Suede Deliverance!!! I love it!!! [Rotflol]
I wish I could take credit for it... but that was borrowed from the series. <g> But Lois saying that she didn't care if it was the church of the Three Stooges - that was mine. <g> Glad you enjoyed the wedding, Ann... as for the "giving away" - that's a fairly common practice in "southern" weddings. My parents "gave me away" at mine. Since Perry is "southern" (and Lois's parents were in attendence) I could see him asking that in the ceremony. It wasn't meant to be degrading... I assure you.

Heh - glad you enjoyed the "hair" part - it sort of just happened... I looked at it again after I wrote it and tweaked it a little and Then left it in, as a nod to Tank. <g> As to the "Tank" ending... well... you do know I've tried one of those once before (sort of) right? <g>

I love the guessing at what's wrong with Clark... I just love it, I tell ya. <g> Of course, I won't tell you if you're right or not though... yes, I'm just mean like that...

Come back pronto, young lady!!! You've caused us enough grief and sorrow by now, so it's time for you to fix this!!! <wags finger> <taps foot>
<singsong voice> Yes, Ms. Sibrant. <g> I'll turn in my final book report before Sunday.

Thank you for all that... er... lovely feedback, Ann. clap Hopefully the final chapter will be to everyone's satisfaction. <g> I'll be interested to see what you all think.

WAFFy WHAM coming up in the next chapter or two
Not to burst your bubble - but there's only one part left <sniffles> yes, it's almost over. One last 15 page part and it's all done. Another story spanning parts of 4 months... I posted the first part on May 23rd.


Oh, thanks for not killing Clark in the beginning of the chapter. And thank you so very much for putting him in mortal danger at the end so all the FOLCs following your story will squeal and gnash their teeth. Me included.
ROTFLOL <snorting> rotflol Oh Terry! You are so very welcome - LOL - thank YOU for that. <g>

Hi Patrick!

Yes she is evil. DNA test results show she is really a clone of Lex Luthor!
<quick - run for it Babbles - they've figured us out!>


Thank you, Patrick. Glad you enjoyed the part and liked the wedding.

Thank you for the fdk! As for your speculation... <g> Loved it...

Thanks go out to all of you for sticking with me through this ANGSTWAFF story. I've loved each and every comment dearly. Thanks for going along on the ride with me. I've had notes on this story since last year, and been writing it since last March (wow - where has the time gone). I'm glad you've enjoyed it and are looking forward to the last part... <sniffle>

See you all soon - BY SUNDAY. <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.