Oh wow! More fdk! Eeeeeeeee!

Hi Jackie! I left you speechless? Oh goodie. <g> And I'll take that absolutely cruel as a compliment. wink Thanks Jackie!

Hi Missy! LOL at the picture - too funny. Wow - one person mentions that they think it might be kidney stones (okay, more than one) and then someone mentions the K... and now people are just running with it. goofy Maybe it was just bad cake from the wedding shower??? LOL!

Yes, you are gonna have to hang around until I get my beta back... whether that's Sunday, who knows. <g> But by Sunday, I promise, one way or the other. <g>

If you don't have any takers, I'd like to give the nficcy honeymoon scene a go - with your approval, of course!!!!
Missy! I’m so flattered! I was actually just teasing when I said that. I never expected anyone to take me up on it. LOL. Um, to be honest, I REALLY don’t do nfic anymore – writing or reading it. One of my betas had actually teased me several times about me “fading to black” and not writing the nfic scenes and I told her that she could write them but she said she declined since I wouldn’t be reading them. <blush>

But I certainly won’t hold you back from writing it if you want to.

And thanks so much for your fdk – I’m tickled that you think it’s been wonderfully written. Thanks.

Hi Symbolic! Oh good, one last shock before the final post. That's always good. <g> Thanks - glad you loved the wedding. IMHO, it's how their real wedding should have been - friends and family with Perry marrying them. And I think it would have been cool to have had it at the Planet. <g>

The queen? No... no no no... I'm merely an apprentice! I don't want the pressure of being the queen. goofy LOL! But thank you so much!

LOL Ann! Yes, that does make more sense. <still giggling at the poetry>

Hi Julie! How can I do this to you? Very easily... *cough*choke*sputter* I mean... I don't know! It was so hard. I felt miserable knowing how mean I was being... uh, yeah...

Ooooh, sorry about the internet! I might be able to post it a day early (no promises) it just depends... but not today, definitely not today. Sorry.

And I agree - the poetry was a hoot. <g>

Thank you all again so much! Babbles is just glutted on fdk. I'll have you know that she's so full she can't even get off the couch! <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.