To be honest, I was disappointed that we still have no Clark and Lois reunion. I'm hoping you won't send Talan to Earth - please, please don't turn this story into a soap op. smile Two women fighting over a guy always diminishes both women and you never believe in the end that the guy truly loves the woman he ends up with.

Okay, comments on other things:

A month before Clark can home? If he's well enough to leave hospital in a few days, then why couldn't he make the trip? Is the doctor up to something nefarious here? Hope Clark confronts him on this.

She was trapped in her own, existential limbo – unable to grieve, unable to make sense of her loss, because the very act of defining it would be a betrayal. It didn't matter if she spent the rest of her life waiting – she would keep waiting. Nothing would ever make her give up on the hope that he was coming back, no matter how long it took.
Lois's situation is so sad - I hope that Clark will not betray her.

But he knew, somewhere in the darkest part of who he was, that that wasn't the source of the hatred raging inside him. He wasn't angry about killing Nor.

He was angry because he hadn't killed him sooner.

Almost seven hundred people were dead because of the failed attempt to break Nor out of prison. Seven hundred people who would be alive if Clark had simply killed Nor when he had the chance, back when he'd first been captured. The blood of all those people, how could he not acknowledge that it was on his hands?
Now this is really interesting! Hope you pursue the implications of this thought - a more cynical and brutal Clark Kent when he returns home. And yet this is what often happens to people as a result of the their war experiences. How will Clark deal now with the sense that his idealism cost so many lives. really interesting.

So he remained silent, and allowed her to continue believing a more tolerable lie.
Serious stuff here. The things we hide, the things we shouldn't hide if we wish to be whole. Is this a foreshadowing of things to come with Lois I wonder.
