Hi Rac,

Sorry I haven't been posting fdk lately, but I am still reading.

Your story was so intense and sad that I found it difficult to put my thoughts into words. Thank goodness the people on New Krypton are beginning to see a light at the end of a very long tunnel, even though that light seems just to be dawning.

Clark clearly has a long way to go to recover, and I'm not talking about his physical injuries. I was also very relieved to see Enza wake up.

But, please, Rac, get Clark back to Lois soon. I think she is now the only person who can put Clark back together again. New Krypton has left him with wounds which can probably never be healed, but at least with Lois and his family, he might be able to come to terms with the person he has become.

I hope that learning he has a son will help him to look to the future and not back to his dark past on New Krypton.

I look forward to the next part.
Yours Jenni