
Definitely worth the wait.

Clark's attitude was a surprise to me. I understand why he'd hate Nor, I understand why he'd hate the fact that he'd actually taken a life - no matter the situation or the provocation - but for Clark to hate himself for not having killed Nor earlier in order to save lives was a stunner. Somebody has to convince him that he's not responsible for what Nor and Rae Et did. Another job for SuperTalan! She may be my favorite character among the pantheon of wonderful characters you've created for us.

I wonder, since Talan was the one who told them where to find Clark, if she will also understand just what he's feeling without having to talk to him about it. If so, how much more complicated will Clark's life - and Talan's life, too - become? Ah, here we are back to Talan being a possible personal complication for Clark to deal with. You're so good at twisting the knife.

Lois's reaction to Tom's gentle invitation wasn't all that surprising, however. She's still married to Clark in her mind and heart, even though she's begun to lose hope that he'll return. And her belief that she'd never be happy with another man if she did learn that Clark was dead is almost - not quite, but almost - in the realm of "methinks the lady doth protest too much." She's already done a lot of grieving for Clark, for herself, for the time Jon has missed from his father, for the time they could have spent together, and for what she no longer expects from the future. I think she'll have a harder time adjusting to Clark's return than Clark will.

Thank you for letting Enza wake up! Lok Sim's pain was almost too much to bear. And poor little Thia is just so cute, I wish she were close enough for me to hug.

Thanks for making the effort to get this up, Rac. It's definitely worth the wait. Just get Clark home soon! And do take Talan with you. I'd love to see sparks fly between her and Lois.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing