
Well. Hee. About that. blush Er, no. Not yet. I meant to submit it, and I got caught up in editing it, but then lost my Muse for a few months and stepped away from all writing. I knew I wanted to go back over the story a couple of times, because parts of it were a bit too... I don't know. Wordy. Too many "he said's" and "she said's" in it.

Then there were a couple of Word crashes. The document I was working on was saved automatically, but even looking at creation dates couldn't tell me which version was "the" version - and the story is so long, I've ended up with two versions open side-by-side and I'm going through it line-by-line. I'm happy with what it's becoming, though - parts I thought were kind of clunky flow more smoothly now.

They're all small fixes, really - not so much continuity issues any more as much as removal of repetition and, as I said earlier, getting rid of some of the "he said" and "she said" stuff and just... showing the conversation. (That was a common fixer for me in each beta'd part, too, so I'm not real surprised I'm still fixing parts of it.)

I've wondered if I should repost it somewhere, to see if the fixes I've made make it better or worse. (I don't really want some poor beta (LabRat) to have to read it all again, though.)

The good news (I hope) is that finally, after more than a year of the story being in "editing," I'm almost done with it.

Then it goes to LabRat for the Archive... and it really should be GE'd. That's another whole... how did I have Lois put it? Treeful of cats.


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler