Janet, congratulations on finishing one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. I wish I were a better writer so that I could praise it with the eloquence it deserves. I loved the delicate, fairy-tale quality that ran through the entire piece. I loved the tenderness of Lois and Clark's love, which was sweet and true and never seemed cloying. I loved the care with which you crafted your heroine - how her loneliness and her fear and her isolation were gradually overcome, so that by the end, she could be the person she was born to be, the person her Mama knew all along she could be. I loved that you gave her a real dragon to fight, and I love that she won!

Of course I will line up to read if you write a sequel. But I finished the story with such a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that Lois and Clark were together, and happy, and that that "Kinetic Girl" (Hee!) had made her debut, that I can rest easy in my mind over these characters, even if you don't bless us with sequels.

It is no small thing to devote a year of your life to a story like this. Thank you for all the time you've invested and for letting your Lois and your Clark walk out of your imagination and into ours. And again, congratulations on a magnificent story!

