Sequels?? Plural?? blush Considering how long this story already is, I'm flattered that you want more. I won't rule a sequel out, of course, since my Muse isn't any more predictable than anyone else's, but there isn't one in the works at the moment. Of course, having said that, I'll probably be struck with an idea at the most inconvenient time... :rolleyes:

Terry, thank you for your eloquent words - and for the ones I lost on part 39. Your comments throughout this story helped me direct it, keep it on track, and just generally make it better. I'm glad the story as a whole worked for you.

Pam, thank you for all of your comments, too. I'm glad you liked the story - and it's such a long story, isn't it? LabRat (who BR'd this for me) and I think it's in the running for longest story on the Archive (once I submit it, that is). The original idea for pitching Lois as having different powers than Superman, and the whole 'tactile telekinetic' thing, was my husband's. I bounced a lot of ideas off of him during the time (more than a year) that I was writing this.

I'm glad you all liked the 'Kinetic Girl' thing, too. That was LabRat's idea. When she was BR'ing the suit-creating scenes, I mentioned that I was thinking of 'Kinetic' for Lois's superhero personna, and she said something along the lines of "wouldn't it be funny if everybody kept calling her Kinetic Girl or something like that?" I loved the idea, so I took it and ran with it.

Metwin1, thank you for commenting. Yeah, Perry's pretty cagey. Lois tried, sort of, to bring it all up afterwards, but he wasn't biting. She's pretty sure he knows, but you're right - Perry knows a lot of stuff unofficially. He likes it that way. smile

Kinetic: "Lets put it this way when I hear Kinetic girl I look around for a stacked Blonde in a skintight skimpy white suit with a large oval cut out displaying her assets. "

Thank you, Caroline, for your kind words. I'm so glad you liked it. Having read some of your stories, I feel that your comments on my writing skills pack even more power, because you are a very eloquent writer yourself. Thank you. blush

Thank you all for your comments - they've made my day - week - probably month smile . Yes, I will be submitting this to the Archive shortly.

There are a couple of sections in my current master copy that are different from the version you've read here on the boards. They are not huge differences - just 'fixes' (in continuity, for instance) that I did when I was proofing an earlier section again. One was the result of Marcus's comment about how heavy a box made entirely of lead would be. One was inspired by something ML Thompson mentioned in her story 'Escape From New Krypton', which I GE'd. (Thanks, ML, and I did credit you with that idea in the author's notes for this story). And one - well, I realized that in this story, nobody but Lois and the Kents know Superman is from Krypton, so Trask calling the green rock kryptonite opens a whole 'how did he know that?' can of worms I didn't want to touch.

So... well, read it again on the Archive (I'll submit it soon!) and see if my 'fixes' work... goofy


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler