I have a little bit of time, so I'll try to comment and say just a little more than "hot damn"!

Sue pulled another Kleenex out of the box beside her bed. She lifted it to her nose and made a face. It really didn’t matter how soft they claimed these tissues to be, or whether or not they had aloe, lotion, or some other moisturizer in them, by the time you blew your nose for the fiftieth time, it still hurt. It might as well have been sandpaper.
Isn't this so true? frown

What was even worse was the fact that as stuffy as her nose was, the blowing didn’t do much good.
I know the feeling....

She tossed the used sandpaper at the trashcan she had next to her bed. It hit the rim and threatened to lean the wrong way.
I would have missed.

“Don’t you do it,” she threatened. The Kleenex apparently decided it didn’t want to mess with her, not with the mood she was in today, and it obediently fell into the can.
...but Sue didn't!!! drool

Now to find that movie.

After a few minutes of sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to get the room to quit spinning and her head to quit throbbing, she managed to stand up and walk a few feet towards her bedroom door.

Where had she left that movie? She started to go downstairs. No, no she wouldn’t have left it down there. Not where her son could find it.
This sounds like Sue... wink

Sure, there was a lot of kissing and touching – oooh, and there was that ‘thigh’ scene from ‘Sex, Lies, and Video’
Guess I've missed out on something when I haven't seen that one, eh?

“I’m coming,” she yelled in disgust, continuing to mutter something about never getting any peace and quiet. If her luck held true, it was probably her boss coming by to bring her more work to catch up on.
Wouldn't have surprised you, Sue, would it?

“I’m coming,” she yelled in disgust, continuing to mutter something about never getting any peace and quiet. If her luck held true, it was probably her boss coming by to bring her more work to catch up on.
A pair of scissors? Is that what inspired Sue's haircut worries? Sue, did you see Lara's picture of "bald Lois", except that bald Lois didn't have Lois's face... I wonder whose face it might have been?

Never being one to read the card first, Sue opened the box
Hmmm, yes, that's what Sue would do, right?

It was a pen. One of those fancy, shiny, gold-accented, black ballpoint pens – the twist kind. She hefted it in her hand. It felt pretty heavy, which probably meant it was a good one.
Well, well, well - was it during Faustian that we discussed people who stole our pens?

It wrote like liquid silk.
Can I have one, too? Please?

Just then, a ding sounded from her laptop. That would be her e-mail notifier. Someone was online. She lifted the lid and glanced at the screen. It was DJ. DJ was checking on her to see if she was feeling any better.
Aaaah! I love the verisimilitude (is that what you call it?) of this!!!

Not much,’ she typed. ‘Wish I wasn’t sick. Ugh! This blows – in more ways than one.’ Sue inserted a frowny face after the sentence.

‘Poor Sue. <hugs> You know what I wish? I wish I hadn’t had to go back to work,’ DJ typed back. ‘No. You know what I really wish? I wish I could write fanfic for a living.’

‘Heh – me too.’

‘Now, come on, Sue. Be honest. What do you really wish?’

Sue had picked up her pen again and was looking at it while she had been waiting for DJ’s response. Sue put her pen to her notebook and wrote a quick sentence. Then she typed the sentence into the chat window.

‘I wish I really did have Clark Kent in my closet – snort.’
I love it!!!! clap
