Having roused myself from a near-coma, I decided to check on-line. I saw that DJ had a story called "Sick Day" and I had this weird moment of confusion as I tried to figure out what story that could be. Then I opened it and read her disclaimer and I was already starting to laugh.
She tossed the used sandpaper at the trashcan she had next to her bed. It hit the rim and threatened to lean the wrong way.

“Don’t you do it,” she threatened. The Kleenex apparently decided it didn’t want to mess with her, not with the mood she was in today, and it obediently fell into the can.
In point of fact, I gave up on the garbage can (and inanimate objects never obey me). I have three empty water bottles and countless tissues lying on the floor next to my bed. When I return to the land of the living, I'll clean up my mess. Until then, I just wallow...
But only one of his steamier movies. What movie was it she had watched the other evening? It had been very forgettable, plot-wise – but, oh, that love scene.
Ha! The movie, which I got through Netflix weeks ago was "No Alibi" and it was laughably bad. But, uh, yeah, it did include the most promiscuous first date ever. And a glimpse of Dean's butt.
Where had she put that bottle of Nyquil anyway?
The NyQuil is all gone. frown I'm hitting my son's Triaminic now.
Or girl scouts – wait, no, it wasn’t the right time of year for that.
Which is too bad because I would kill for some thin mints right about now.
Never being one to read the card first, Sue opened the box on one end and turned it upside down in her hand.
You're just guessing, I know, but you're absolutely right.
If your heart is wanting and it lacks desire, if you find your circumstances are quite dire – you’re but a pen-stroke from igniting a fire
At which point I would begin to try and figure out how to light it, figuring it must be a pen/lighter combination.
Now, come on, Sue. Be honest. What do you really wish?
That Clark really was in my closet? And that our date ends the same way the one in "No Alibi" did? <g>
She might be drugged up on Nyquil but she was awake enough to know the difference between a dream and reality.
Sue passed out.
Gosh, I hope he caught me.

Thanks DJ! It hurts to laugh, but I did it anyway. Although I'm starting to wonder which one of us is "under the influence" here. <heh>

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis