So he was clueless to her signals in the last part after all! That's OK. And my worried predictions that things weren't going to go well after all for this dinner - I'm so happy to have been wrong!

Lois' cooking misadventures were a hoot! Who would have thought that she could even mangle a garden salad... goofy

But then... ::very happy sigh:: suddenly everything was all right. The disaster in the kitchen turned into a thing of wonder...
He whispered her name in return, deepening the kiss. She gave herself over to the sensations he was creating for another moment before dragging her lips away from his. “But she said you never get over your first love...” she whispered.

“She was right.”

Lois’ heart lurched in her chest. No. It couldn’t be. The way he was kissing her.... He couldn’t still be in love with someone else.

“But she wasn’t my first love,” he whispered, kissing her again. “You were.”

Lois whimpered, a soft cry escaping the back of her throat. It was more than she had ever dreamed of. He loved her; he was in love with her. She wasn’t going to lose him after all. And then his mouth was on hers again, exploring, teasing, reminding her of all the things they had left to share with each other.
I wasn't sure which kiss to quote there, the first one or the second one. [Linked Image] And for some completely unknown reason, no one before me has quoted any smoochie passages at all. What's wrong with everyone? confused

Then it was really cute as Clark was trying to salvage Lois' dinner. I really liked it as he was trying soooo hard to be tactful in his questioning, and the sputtering for words part was really great. laugh

Now that Lois and Clark have now settled all misconceptions between them, I assume that Part 5 will be devoted to sharing the happy news with our dear friend Lana. smile

But before I go, I have to quote this too. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it... goofy
He raised her hand to her face, cupping her cheek tenderly and his thumb stroking her skin with a feather-light touch. “And now?” he asked quietly, and she could hear the nerves in his voice. “Are you interested now?”

Lois turned her head just slightly, closing her eyes and kissing the palm of his hand before turning back to look at him again. “I’m interested,” she said, her voice low and breathy.

The words were barely out of her mouth before his mouth claimed hers, his hands cradling her face and holding her to him, though she offered no resistance.
[Linked Image] KathyM

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5