
Wow! Great piece. smile1 The cat is out of the bag.

“Hardly! We had a *huge* fight right before prom. I’d found out that she was telling everyone we were engaged, and that she was threatening some of my friends to keep them away from me – trying to isolate me so that I’d feel like I had no other friends and be more willing to marry her. I told her I wouldn’t tolerate it anymore, and that we were over. She changed tactics then – crying pitifully and telling me that she loved me. At first I felt really bad, but then I realized it was just another act, one more manipulation. So I stuck to my guns.”

“And that’s how you wound up taking Rachel to the prom?”

Clark looked surprise. “How did you know I went to prom with Rachel?”

“She told me about it when I was in Smallville. Remember, she wanted to dance with you ‘for old time’s sake.’ I asked her about it later, when you weren’t around, and she explained that you were just friends and took her because you’d just broken up with your girlfriend. She didn’t give me any details about the breakup, but I remember that Lana’s name sounded like a curse word when she said it.”
eek Lana is dangerous woman. She deserve a lesson.

“Well, I did let her have in today.”

“In the bathroom?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“You should have seen her face when she came barreling out of there! She barely even stopped to grab her coat. And then two seconds later, you waltz out looking like the cat who ate the canary. I figured I was right to assume you could take care of yourself – Lana Lang is no match for Lois Lane, especially not when you’re on the warpath. I doubt Lana’s ever seen anything like you in action.”

Lois cracked a grin. Looking back on the confrontation from this vantage point – after hearing Clark’s declaration that he was in love with her and Lana had never been a threat – it *was* kinda funny.
I love this. thumbsup

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.