Annie ... funny and lovely section!!

That salad was too funny. <G> And when she started out I thought was was doing fine, until she got to the salad.

“To follow us down the street? I *knew* I saw you. I thought I was imagining things. I kept seeing you – sensing your presence, but I’d look up and you were gone. I thought maybe I was just seeing you because I wished you were there.”
Aha! I knew he knew she was there!! <G>

Excellent segment. Major WAFF alert at the end of the section .. does this spell out things to come?? <G>

So what's going to happen with Lana? wink

Annette wink
Boards Chief Administrator

"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." Bill Clinton, inaugural address, January 21, 1993